How do I fix the date setting on the LeapPad Ultra?
The LeapPad Ultra syncs to GMT date and time the first time you connect to the internet via Wi-Fi. Depending on what time zone you are in and what time it was the first time you set up the LeapPad Ultra, the date may be off a day for several hours a day. This can be corrected with the following steps while conne…
How do I reset my LeapBand tracker?
Launch LeapFrog Connect on your computer. If you haven't already installed LeapFrog Connect on your computer, download it from Open LeapFrog Connect and connect LeapBand to your computer with the enclosed USB cable. Click on the "Advanced Settings" button at the top of the screen and choose th…
LeapTV cartridge not recognized by console
With the LeapTV console powered on, gently push the game cartridge all the way into the cartridge slot until you feel it engage and see the game title pop up on your TV screen. When properly inserted, the end of the cartridge will not be flush with top of the cartridge slot, but will be approximately 3 millimeters…
Unable to pass country selection during setup on LeapPad Ultra
* Download and install LeapFrog Connect from * Launch the LeapFrog Connect application. * Power on and connect the LeapPad Ultra. * Let LeapPad Ultra sync until LeapFrog Connect tells you to disconnect and create a player profile. * Disconnect the LeapPad Ultra from the computer and continue with the starter …
LeapsterGS Explorer not recognized by Windows computer
Make sure no other devices are connected to USB ports on the computer (except keyboard or mouse), then reinstall the driver with these steps: 1. Close the LeapFrog Connect Application. 2. Quit the monitor: a. Press Ctl-Alt-Del on your keyboard b. Select Task Manager c. Select Processes d. select Monitor.exe…
No sound when using LeapTV
Please try the following: 1. Verify the volume is turned up on your television. 2. Verify the HDMi cable from the LeapTV is securely plugged in to the HDMI port on your TV. 3. While the TV remains on, power off the LeapTV console, then power the console back on. 4. Verify the sound output on your TV is se…
Scout/Violet not recognized by the computer
Note: The below troubleshooting applies to the version of My Pal Scout/Violet that uses a USB cord (rather than audio jack) to connect to the computer. Please try the following steps: 1. Turn Scout/Violet off and then on using the power button on the paw. 2. Disconnect and then connect the USB cable. (Make s…
LeapBand only displays the watch face with a monkey character
If your LeapBand only displays the watch face with a monkey, the LeapBand is in Quiet Time. If there is a muted speaker icon on the top left of the screen, this means Quiet Time was set on the LeapBand. Quiet Time set on the LeapBand may be unlocked by holding down the left navigation arrow for five seconds. …
How do I transfer an app from one device to another?
Purchased apps can be installed on up to five (5) LeapFrog compatible devices at a time (LeapFrog Epic, LeapPad1, LeapPad2, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad Platinum, Leapster Explorer, or LeapsterGS). Note, not all apps are compatible with all platforms. On Wi-Fi tablets, apps can be managed using the App Manager/Content m…
LeapPad not recognized by Windows computer
Make sure no other devices are connected to USB ports on the computer (except keyboard or mouse), then reinstall the driver with these steps: 1. Close the LeapFrog Connect Application. 2. Quit the monitor: a. Press Ctl-Alt-Del on your keyboard b. Select Task Manager c. Select Processes d. select Monitor.exe…