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Showing articles from LeapPad3 tag

Which devices are LeapSearch for LeapPad available on?

LeapSearch is available on LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad Platinum and LeapPad 3 and LeapFrog Epic using the device's WiFi connection

What are micromods and how do they work with Leapster Explorer, Leapster GS and LeapPad?

Micromods let your child change or enhance his/her favorite Leapster Explorer, Leapster GS and LeapPad games. Micromods include new game music, character clothing, game modes, special moves, etc. Visit the Rewards tab in your LeapFrog Connect application to download micromods for games you own. Please note: Le…

LeapPad is not charging

If your LeapPad does not appear to charge when plugged into the wall adapter, you will first want to verify whether the issue is with the power adapter or the LeapPad. When plugged in and charging, the charging indicator light on the LeapPad should glow yellow/orange.  On the LeapPad Platinum and LeapPad Ultra, th…

Can I download an app to more than one device?

Yes, learning apps purchased in the App Center can be saved to five (5) LeapFrog compatible devices (LeapPad1, LeapPad2, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad Platinum, LeapFrog Epic, LeapsterGS, or Leapster Explorer) at a time as long as all five devices share a common parent account email address. Note: not all apps in…

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