Will LeapReader work with Tag Junior or LeapReader Junior books?
No, LeapReader is not compatible with Tag Junior or LeapReader Junior.
Tag Reader and LeapReader Junior/Tag Junior compatibility
Note: The Tag Reader was last sold in 2013 and is no longer supported. The LeapFrog Connect software for this product is offered as-is. Q: Will my LeapReader Junior/Tag Junior work with Tag Reading system books? Will my Tag Reading system work with LeapReader Junior/Tag Junior books? A: The Tag Reading System…
LeapReader Junior - I can't find my child's name in the Name section? What should I do?
Try searching for another name that sounds like your child's name, but is spelled differently. For example, if the name is spelled "Kristine," try searching for "Christine." You will have the chance to change the spelling in the next screen. You can also choose a nickname instead. To do this, click the "Can't find…
Tag Junior/LeapReader Junior not recognized - Updating the Driver - Windows 7, 8, 10 or Vista
Make sure the LeapFrog Connect software plug-in for Tag Junior or LeapReader Junior is installed on your computer. You may find the free download at . With the Tag Junior or LeapReader Junior turned off, plug the Tag Junior/LeapReader Junior in to a USB port on the back of your computer. Does it automatically p…
Tag Junior System Not Recognized - Updating the Driver - Windows Xp
With the LeapReader Jr/Tag Junior turned off, plug the LeapReader Jr/Tag Junior in to a USB port on the back of your computer. Does it automatically power on? If no, the device is defective; please contact customer support. If the device is powered on, click the Windows Start button and select "Run" In the search b…
Device not communicating with LeapFrog Connect
The most likely reason LeapFrog Connect is unable to communicate with your device is a missing or improperly installed driver. Windows For LeapPad1, LeapPad2 or LeapPad Ultra click here For Leapster Explorer or LeapsterGS Explorer click here For LeapReader click here For My Pal Scout/Violet click here F…