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Home > Legacy Products > Leapster2 > Computer shuts down when Leapster2 attached
Computer shuts down when Leapster2 attached
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Note: The Leapster2 was last sold in 2012 and is no longer supported. The LeapFrog Connect software for this product is offered as-is. 

If you are running Windows XP, this problem can be resolved by downloading Windows XP Service Pack 3 from the Microsoft website.  This download can be accessed here:

If this doesn't work, or if you already have XP Service Pack 3, there is a Microsoft Hotfix for this issue. 

Request the Hotfix from Microsoft here:

  • After clicking this link, click the link on the top left of the page that says "View and request hotfix downloads"
  • Check the box for Hotfix File name Fix172242
  • Enter your email address and the verification code.
  • Microsoft will email a link with an executable file for this Hotfix.  Click the link and save it to your Desktop.
  • Double click the icon the Hotfix installs on your desktop and follow the steps for installation.

If you are still experiencing difficulty:

  • Begin with the LeapFrog Connect application closed
  • Click the Windows Start button, select "Run" and go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Leapfrog\LeapFrog Connect
  • At this location you should see a file named UPCApp
  • Click on this file to open it.  You should see a few lines of code that look something like:
    • [Window]
    • LeapFrogConnectPos=@Point(0 0)
    • LeapFrogConnectSize=@Size(1023 736)
    • LeapFrogConnectMonitor=0

    o Add the following 2 lines:

    • [UPCShell]
    • MountAtDriveLetter=1
  • Save the file and close it, and then launch LeapFrog Connect, connect the device and turn it on.


  • Begin with the LeapFrog Connect application closed
  • Click the Windows Start button and enter into the Search box c:\ProgramData\Leapfrog\Leapfrog Connect\  
  • At this location you should see a file called UpcApp
  • Click on this file to open it.  You should see a few lines of code that look something like:
    • [Window]
    • LeapFrogConnectPos=@Point(-28 -30)
    • LeapFrogConnectSize=@Size(1023 736)

    Add the following 2 lines:

    • [UPCShell]
    • MountAtDriveLetter=1
  • Save the file and close it, and then launch LeapFrog Connect, connect the Device and turn it on.
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