Jan 14, 2016
The letters on the Alphabet Pal play the following melodies:
A - Are You Sleeping?
B - Billy Boy
C - Clementine
D - Did You Ever See a Lassie?
E - East Side, West Side
F - The Farmer in the Dell
G - Greensleeves
H - Hey Diddle Diddle
I - I've Been Working on the Railroad
J - Jimmy Crack Corn
K - Camptown Races
L - London Bridge
M - Mary had a Little Lamb
N - The Man on the Flying Trapeze
O - Old MacDonald Had a Farm
P - Pop! Goes the Weasel
Q - Chopsticks
R - Row, Row, Row Your Boat
S - She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain
T - This Old Man
U - Upside-Down World
V - Froggie Went A-Courtin'
W - Wheels on the Bus
X - Yellow Rose of Texas
Y - Yankee Doodle
Z - Wait for the Wagon