My child's name was not found when personalizing My Pal Scout/Violet Smarty Paws?
You can browse the list for another name that sounds like your child's name, but is spelled differently. Then change the spelling entered in the 'Spelling' box to match the spelling of your child's name. You can also choose a nickname instead, we have a list of common nicknames available for you: Baby Buddy Bug …
The audio cable on My Pal Scout/Violet Smarty Paws doesn’t fit my phone.
If your phone doesn’t have a 3.5mm headphone port, you will need to use a Lightning or USB-C adapter. (My Pals has been tested with the “Apple Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter” and “Google USB-C to 3.5mm Adapter.”) If you don’t have an adapter, you can connect the My Pal audio cable to the headphone port o…
Where is the power switch on My Pal Scout/Violet Smarty Paws?
The power switch is located at the top of the battery pack accessible behind the velcro closure on its back. If you are having problems personalizing My Pal Scout/Violet Smarty Paws, you may need to turn the power switch to OFF (far left), then ON again (right). Note that the power switch is not reachable while My P…
How many Download Packs are available for the On-the-Go Story Pal?
Currently, there are 4 Download Packs available for US & Canada customers. Download Packs expand the content on your On-the-Go Story Pal device. To add Download Packs, download the LeapFrog Connect Software for the On-the-Go Story Pal device and connect the device to your computer.
Strange sound coming from phone or computer when setting up My Pal Scout/Violet
The audio cable coming out of My Pal Scout's battery pack (available on the back of the package if Scout is still in the box) may not be fully inserted into the headphone jack of your smartphone, tablet or computer. Try re-inserting the 1/8th inch plug into your device's headphone jack. If you have a protective ca…
While personalizing My Pal Scout/Violet, he said "Uh oh, something's not right"
Hit 'Restart', make sure the audio cable is fully inserted into your device's headphone jack, and make sure your device's headphone volume is turned all the way up. If you still have difficulty, try customizing My Pal Scout/Violet using a different smartphone, tablet or laptop computer. Note: This answer applie…
Can I factory reset My Pals Scout or Violet?
There is not a factory reset function on the original My Pals Scout & Violet or the SmartyPaws version of the toy. To re-name/re-personalize the toy, please visit the following link:
Can I factory reset My Pals Scout or Violet?
There is not a factory reset function on the original My Pals Scout & Violet or the SmartyPaws version of the toy. To re-name/re-personalize the toy, please visit the following link:
Can I change the language of My Pals Scout or Violet?
My Pals Scout & Violet does not have the functionality to change languages.
Can I change the language of My Pals Scout or Violet?
My Pals Scout & Violet does not have the functionality to change languages.