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Home > Legacy Products > LeapTV > LeapTV Disney Frozen Arendelle's Winter Festival - Helpful Hints
LeapTV Disney Frozen Arendelle's Winter Festival - Helpful Hints
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Q: What games can be played with two players?

A: All mini games can be played with two players. Snowball Throwing and Ice Skating are the only games in which two players can play at the same time. The other games are turn-taking games.


Q: What is the object of the game?

A: The object of the game is to collect as many snow crystals as you can in each mini game to trade in for items to decorate your keepsake room.


Q: How do I purchase items for my keepsakes room?

A: Once you have played a mini game and have collected some snow crystals, exit to the main menu map and select Oaken's trading booth in the bottom right hand corner. Once inside, you will see the crystal price for each item. If you have enough crystals you can trade them in for that item.


Q: How do I see my keepsakes room?

A: Click on the treasure chest in the upper right hand corner of the map.


Q: How do I place objects in my keepsakes room?

A: Once you have entered the keepsakes room, click on the jewelry box at the bottom of the screen. This will be where the items you have collected are located. Select any item and a location arrow will appear for you to place the item in. Select that spot and the item will be placed.


Q: How do I get to the mini games?

A: Click on any of the game icons on the main menu map.


Q: What is a Photo Spot?

A: A photo spot is a place that allows you to take a picture with your favorite characters.


Q: How do I earn a Photo Spot?

A: Play a mini game five times to unlock a photo spot.


Q: How do I view a photo I've taken with a character?

A: After taking a photo, click on the Keepsakes icon (treasure chest) to view the photo.


Q: Can I control the onscreen cursor without using Pointer Mode?

A: You can always transform the controller to classic controller mode and move the thumbstick to control the cursor.


Q: How did I get a sculpture on the main menu map?

A: Each time you build a sculpture in the sculpting game a new sculpture will appear on the map.


Q: How do I save my progress?

A: The game saves after each successful level completion. It will also save your child's curricular progress after each curricular experience (3 per level).


Q: What options are available when I press the Home button on the controller?

A: The following options appear on the Pause menu when the Home button is pressed:

  •  Home - Takes players to the LeapTV home menu
  • Main Menu - Takes players to the game's main menu
  • Exit - Exits the current mini-game and takes players back to the map of Arendelle
  • Resume - Un-pauses game


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