Unlocking Content
Many games require the player to complete one level or task prior to accessing higher levels in the game.
For example:
Toy Story 3: the player needs to complete one board in the Mission Mode to unlock the other two modes (spelling mode and gadget mode).
Ben 10: your available aliens are unlocked as you complete levels. The more levels completed, the more aliens available.
Mr Pencil Saves Doodleburg: various sections of the town are locked until you fix the available sections. New sections will unlock one at a time as you complete the last available section.
Saving Game Progress
Provided you are playing a named player profile (not Guest), progress will be saved when you complete a level. For example:
Wolverine: the "Continue" and "Boss Rush" icons are grayed out until the first "Boss" is defeated. The first Boss is the MRD Transport Vehicle. Until you have defeated the MRD vehicle, you will need to start from the beginning anytime you quit the game. Once you have defeated the MRD Transport Vehicle, you can fight it again by selecting "Boss Rush" and then MRD Transport Vehicle. The "Continue" button will also be available after quitting and that will allow you to pick up the game at a point past the last Boss you defeated.