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Home > Legacy Products > LeapTV > An app or game cartridge is crashing on my LeapTV, how can I fix this?
An app or game cartridge is crashing on my LeapTV, how can I fix this?
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If an app or game cartridge is crashing, please confirm your LeapTV console has the latest firmware version installed.  If your LeapTV firmware version is not current, an internet connection will be required to install an update.


To check the firmware version on the LeapTV console:


1. Power on the LeapTV console.


2. Use your television remote to select the proper input to display LeapTV on your television screen.


3. Use the LeapTV controller to navigate to the Parent Settings gear on the LeapTV Home page, then press the "A" button on the controller:


4. Enter your four digit parent lock code. Note, if you forgot your parent lock code, you may bypass this screen by inputting 1 9 6 <backspace> 8 7


5. Select Settings (gear icon) and press the "A" button on the controller enter Settings


6. Select "System Info" and press the "A" button on the controller


7. If the "System Version" shows or higher, you have the latest firmware version installed.


8. If the "System Version" shows a version lower than, your LeapTV console does not have the latest firmware version installed.   If you have an internet connection, you should see a button labeled "System Update Available".  Select this button, then wait for the update to download and install.


9. If you do not have an internet connection, select the "Back" button and then "Network".  Connect to your Wi-Fi router or attach an ethernet cable to the LeapTV console and verify you have internet.  Then go back to the "System info" screen to update the firmware (System Version).

If you verify your console has the latest firmware and you still experience a crash, try turning the console off and then on and try the game again.  If you still experience a crash, try resetting the LeapTV console with these steps:

1. Start with the LeapTV console powered OFF
2. Turn the LeapTV console ON by pressing the power button
3. Immediately press and hold the SYNC button until you see the green light ring on the front blink
4. Follow the instructions on screen to initiate a reset

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